A flight from Hong Kong to Melbourne, Australia would take about 9 hours and 41 minutes. This is adding an extra 30 minutes to the time accounting for take off and landing.
It usually takes me approx 9 hrs Michael
Melbourne (MEL) to Hong Kong (HKG)Shortest Flight Duration 9 hours 0 mins
The flight should take you 9 hours.
Melbourne (MEL) to Beijing (BJS)Flight Duration * 13 hours 15 mins * Via Hong Kong International Apt, Hong Kong (HKG)
A typical flight between Australia and Hong Kong would have a flying time of about 7 hours, 14 minutes.
It's 7359 km (4566 miles) from Melbourne to Hong Kong.
3 and a half to four hours
The distance from Cairns, Australia to Hong Kong is 5534 kilometers. On average, a flight takes 7 hours, 20 minutes, not including layovers.
The distance between the above two places is 4544 miles. This is an approximate direct distance. Also this distance might change if a different flight route is chosen.
A straight through flight with no lay overs is about 9 and 1/2 hours. If you get one with stops though it can change the time drastically.
A nonstop flight from Hong Kong to Seoul would be about three hours and 35 minutes.