it's 12 hours from Manila,Philippines to Dubai, UAE.
15 hours
Manila, Philippines is approximately 8,437 miles away from Boston, Massachusetts. The flight would take about 17 and a half hours.
The flight distance from Manila, Philippines to Sydney, Australia is 3,884 miles / 6,251 km.
There are 8,316 miles from Dallas, Texas to Manila, Philippines. The average flight time between these two places is 17 hours and 10 minutes.
The actual in air time would be around 15 hours
There is approximately 6,756 miles between Manila, Philippines and Africa. The flight would take about 14 hours when flying on a commercial airline.
It is 8,141 miles from Manila, Philippines to Chicago, Illinois. In terms of flight time, it would take 16 hours and 47 minutes to travel from one place to the other.
Air Flight from Davao to Manila is about 1 hour and 30 to 40 minutes. By land travel it could take about 2 or 3 days before you can reach Davao.
A typical flight between Chicago, IL and Manila, Philippines would have a flying time of about 16 hours
The flight distance is 7633.7 Miles (12285.3 Kilometres / 6629.1 Nautical Miles).From Rabat, Morocco to Manila, Philippines is approximately 15 hours, 51 minutes.
The flight time to fly from Manila, Philippines to Newark, New Jersey is 17 hours and 30 minutes. The total flight distance is 8, 502 miles.