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At least two, Afghanistan, and Azerbaijan.

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Q: How many countries begin with A but do not end in A?
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What are three countries that begin with the latter A but do NOT end with the letter A?

Afghanistan and Azerbaijan are countries. They are the only countries that begin with the letter A and do not end with the letter A.

What five countries begin with the letter A but do not end with the letter A?

The countries that do not end in "a" are: · Afghanistan · Azerbaijan

Which countries begin with A but do not end in A?

The countries that begin with the letter "A" but do not end with the letter "A" are Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan. These countries have unique linguistic origins that result in their non-conforming endings.

What countries begin with a but don't end with a?

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What countries begin with a but don't end in a?

Afghanistan and Azerbaijan are countries. They begin with the letter A and end with a letter other than a.

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