how many miles fromSeattle WA to Munich Germany
482 miles.
Munich to Tegel, Berlin - 300 MI/ 483 KM
Around 370 Miles by Autobahn.
The distance is 394 miles
196 miles
The air distance from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Frankfurt, Germany, is 4,814 miles. That equals 7,746 kilometers or 4,183 nautical miles.
The driving distance from Leicester, United Kingdom to Munich, Germany is 820 miles.
The air distance from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Munich, Germany, is 4,124 miles. That equals 6,636 kilometers or 3,583 nautical miles.
429 km
The air distance from London, England, to Munich, Germany, is 572 miles. That equals 920 kilometers or 497 nautical miles.