The air distance from New York City, New York, to Honolulu, Hawaii, is 4,968 miles. That equals 7,994 kilometers or 4,316 nautical miles.
The distance between '''New York, New York and '''Honolulu, Hawaii, United States is '''4968 miles (7996 km). '''''''''
8,314 miles
Air miles from New York to Honolulu, Hawaii total 4,962. That is 7,985 kilometers. That is 4,311 nautical miles.
About 4,315 air miles.
The distance from New York City to Honolulu, Hawaii is 4968 miles (7996 km).
The distance between New York and Honolulu is 4968 miles (7996 km).A flight would be:New York, NY (NYC) to Honolulu, HI (HNL)Shortest Flight Duration 10 hours 35 mins
time difference between New York and Honolulu is 5 hours, that is New York is 5 hours ahead of the Honolulu. this means if the time in Honolulu is 3 pm then it will 8 pm in New York
The driving distance from New York, New York to Albuquerque, New Mexico is 2000 miles via I-76 W to I-40 W per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 29 hours and 48 minutes.
San Francisco to Honolulu is about 2400 miles; New York to London is about 3460 miles.
The distance number from NYC to Honolulu, HI, is 4,964 miles (7,989 kilometers) according to
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