Detroit, MI (DTT) to London (LON)
Flight Duration 7 hours 35 mins == == Distance: The distance between Detroit, Michigan and London, England is 3762 miles (6054 km).
Voy a Detroit, Michigan. The above is a translation of "I am going to Detroit, Michigan," not "Going to Detroit, Michigan" which is impossible to properly translate without context. If this clause is to provide the scenery to another event, it should be translated as "Yendo a Detroit Michigan" such as the following example, "Going to Detroit, Michigan, I noticed a deer crossing the road." This would be "Yendo a Detroit Michigan, anoté que un ciervo cruzaba la calle." If this clause is to describe an activity, it should be translated as "Ir a Detroit, Michigan" such as the following example, "My family loves going to Detroit, Michigan." This would be "A mi familia le encanta ir a Detroit Michigan."
There is no ideal travel destination halfway between Detroit Michigan and England. You would be over the Atlantic Ocean.
At 4 am in Detroit, it would be 9 am in London. London is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST), which is the time zone for Detroit.
If you mean Detroit, that would be Michigan. If not I couldn't tell you.
Michigan, Indiana & Illinois.
The best would be the University of Michigan. Wayne State has a very high reputation, as does the University of Detroit.
From Trenton, New Jersey, it is 604 miles to Detroit, Michigan. It would take eleven hours.
London, England, or London, Ontario? Assuming this is London, England, check out Trip Advisor, they have a street map which shows the subway stations.
Here is the equivalent of noon UTC in all the times used by Michigan and the U. K.4 AM Pitcairn Standard Time =6 AM Central Standard Time =7 AM Central Daylight Saving Time =7 AM Eastern Standard Time =8 AM Eastern Daylight Saving Time =8 AM Atlantic Standard Time =9 AM Atlantic Daylight Saving Time =9 AM Falkland Islands (Summer) Time =10 AM Georgia & Sandwich Islands Time =noon Greenwich Mean Time =1 PM British Summer Time =1 PM Central European Time =2 PM Central European Summer Time =2 PM Eastern European Time =3 PM Eastern European Summer Time =6 PM Indian Chagos TimeLondon is usually five hours ahead of Detroit.
It would take 10 hours.
Michigan, Indiana & Illinois.
The driving distance from Sault Ste. Marie to Detroit is approximately 330 miles without the Mackinac Bridge connecting the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan. Without the bridge, the alternate route would involve driving around Lake Michigan or Lake Huron, significantly increasing the distance.