(Tom Bradley is a terminal at LAX, not an airport) The flight distance from Miami International Airport to Los Angeles International Airport is 2,342 miles.
The flight distance from Caracas, Venezuela to Miami International Airport is about 1,370 miles.
The flight time from Miami International Airport to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is about 5 hours, 27 minutes.
The flight time from Miami International Airport to Male, Maldives is about 19 hours, 28 minutes.
The flight distance from Santiago, Chile to Miami International Airport is about 4,125 miles.
The average flight time from Miami International Airport to Africa is 13 hours, 25 minutes.
The flight distance from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Miami International Airport is 1,090 miles.
The flight time from Miami International Airport to Stockholm, Sweden is about 10 hours.
The flight time from Miami International Airport to Bahamas is about 35 minutes.
The flight distance from Miami International Airport to Melbourne Airport is 9,691 miles / 15,597 km
It would take approximately nine and a half to ten hours to fly from Miami International Airport, U.S.A. to Glasgow International Airport, U.K. nonstop.
The flight distance from Miami International Airport to Anchorage, Alaska is about 4,000 miles.