2 hours
about 2 hrs
A flight from Geneva to Egypt would have a flying time of about 4 hours.
The flight time is approximately 15 hours, 6 minutes.
The actual flight time from Newcastle upon Tyne, England, to Geneva, Switzerland, is seven hours. The apparent flight time is eight hours. Geneva is one hour ahead of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The flight time is 8 hours, 46 minutes.
The flight time is 39 minutes.
3708.6 miles Flight time: Approximately 7 hours and 42 minutes
The average flight time is 43 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
The flight time from Geneva, Switzerland to Birmingham, United Kingdom is about 1 hour, 8 minutes.
The flight time from Charlotte, North Carolina to Boston, Massachusetts is:1 hours, 26 minutes