4hr 25min Cairo (CAI) to Frankfurt (FRA) by a nonstop flight operated by Egyptair / Lufthansa.
Cairo, Egypt is 2921 kilometers from Frankfurt, Germany. On average, not counting layovers, a flight takes 4 hours, 8 minutes.
1,815 miles
No, Cairo and Frankfurt are in different time zones. Cairo is 1 hour ahead of Frankfurt.
The Distance between Rhein-Main-Flughafen Frankfurt am Main (Hessen,Germany) [Airport] and Cairo Airport (,Egypt) [Airport] is :2922.54 kilometers (km).In Other Units:1815.98 miles.1577 nautical miles.
On average, the flight time from Berlin, Germany to Cairo, Egypt is about 4 hours and 6 minutes. This time does not include any layovers, however.
The flight time from Tampa, Florida to Cairo, Egypt is 13 hours, 2 minutes.
The flight time from Kuwait to Cairo, Egypt is about 2 hours.
The flight from Cairo, Egypt to Bora Bora is about a 24 hour flight. Its 11,870 miles with 2 layover flights.
About 8 hours.
Non-stop flight from Cairo, Egypt to Amman, Jordan.
3 million hours
It takes a little over 4.5 hours to fly from London, England to Cairo, Egypt. Cairo is 2,187 miles [3,520 kilometers; 1,900 nautical miles] from London. They aren't in the same time zone. London is 2 hours behind Cairo.