A flight from Virginia to Kabul, Afghanistan takes about 14 and a half hours. The distance from Virginia to Kabul, Afghanistan is 7,037 miles or 11,324 kilometers.
The flight from Kabul, Afghanistan to Athens, Greece is approximately 5 hours and 16 minutes long. The actual flight distance is 4,055 km.
Normal Direct flight takes 6 -7 Hours,
it is about 16 hrs if you are comming from georgia i beileve
The flight time from Frankfurt, Germany to Kabul, Afghanistan is approximately 6 hours, 52 minutes.
The flight time from Kabul Afghanistan to Chicago Illinois is 13 hours, 57 minutes.
Three hours
Flight:Sydney (SYD) to Kabul (KBL)Flight Duration * 18 hours 45 mins * Via Dubai, Dubai (DXB)Brisbane (BNE) to Kabul (KBL)Flight Duration * 19 hours 30 mins * Via Dubai, Dubai (DXB)Perth (PER) to Kabul (KBL)Flight Duration * 15 hours 0 mins * Via Dubai, Dubai (DXB)Distance:The distance between Sydney, Australia and Kabul, Afghanistan is 7097 miles (11422 km). The distance between Brisbane, Australia and Kabul, Afghanistan is 6949 miles (11183 km).The distance between Perth, Australia and Kabul, Afghanistan is 5494 miles (8841 km).
about 7 hours
Direct Flight 6 - 7 Hours
It takes 14 hours.
1 to 14 days or more
Kabul-New Delhi-Dubai-Otopeni: min. 19 h 30 min.