Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Seoul (SEL)
Flight Duration 12 hours 45
The distance between Los Angeles, California and Seoul, South Korea is 5956 miles (9585 km).
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Seoul (SEL)Shortest Flight Duration 12 hours 45 mins
The flight distance from Seoul's Incheon International Airport to Los Angeles International Airport is about 6,000 miles.
Flight:Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Seoul (SEL)Flight Duration 12 hours 45Distance:The distance between Los Angeles, California and Seoul, South Korea is 5956 miles (9585 km).
Prevailing winds at altitude.This is similar to running against the win vs running with the wind.Flights:Seoul (SEL) to Los Angeles, CA (LAX)Flight Duration 10 hours 40 minsLos Angeles, CA (LAX) to Seoul (SEL)Flight Duration 13 hours 10 mins
5956 miles- Seoul to Los Angeles
A flight from Wilmington to Los Angeles takes 4 hours.
A flight from Los Angeles to Amesterdam is 11 hours and 8 minutes
There are 5,968 air miles between Los Angeles and Seoul.
A flight from Los Angeles to Bali takes 17 hours and 15 minutes
The flight from Los Angeles to Melbourne is approximately 14.5 - 15 hours depending on the weather.
The flight would be 18 hours long.