The distance from Lousianna to Germany is 8171 kilometersor 5077 miles only.A typical flight between Lousianna, and Germany would have a flying time of about 11 hours. This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/hr or 434 knots. Your exact time may vary depending on wind speeds.
A flight time to Thailand from NC takes 17 hours.
The flight time from Christchurch to Thailand is twelve hours and eleven minutes.
The flight would be 4 hours long.
About five hours.
Winnipeg, MB to Bangkok, Thailand flight would usually be a round trip flight that can last anything from 17 to 20 hours depending on issues such as number of connecting flights and the flight company. You can expect no direct connection as a rule, which means that you will probably have to turn at least once or twice, in such big cities at international airports as Toronto, Vancouver or European counterparts. They include cheap flights and cheap flight deals which is easier to access if you can book your ticket in advance for several weeks or even a month. Another tactic you can use to secure a cheaper flight is also to be a little more flexible with timing; airline companies release their discounted fares during off-travel seasons. Moreover, comparisons made between different airlines and routes reveal other cheaper means as well. The use of connecting schedules may be cheapest relative to direct flights. As with any supermarket, this store always runs some promotions or has some special deals going on so make sure to search for any coupons before going. Although it may sound impossible, with a little research and effort one can figure out a cheap way from Winnipeg to Bangkok!
A typical flight between Thailand and Fiji would have a flying time of about 11 hours, 33 minutes.
A typical flight between Thailand and Brazil would have a flying time of about 21 hours, 27 minutes.
A flight to Thailand from LAX takes 16 hours.
26 hours
11 hours 33 minutes
38 minutes