The approximate flight time from Gatwick, England to Sharm El Sheikh is 6 hours. The actual flight distance between the two locations is 2,405 miles or 3,870 km.
About 4 hours 35 minutes
It takes approximately 5 hours and 20 minutes long to fly from Gatwick Airport, UK to Sharm el-Sheikh. The actual flight distance is 2,414 miles or 3,885 km.
2,422 miles London Heathrow Airport (LHR) to Sharm El-Sheikh International Airport (SSH)
6 hours
Monarch Airlines use the Airbus A321 for flight ZB472 between Birmingham (BHX) and Sharm el-Sheikh (SSH).
4 and half hours
The flight time is approximately 5 hours.
The flight distance from Bristol Airport to Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport is 2,509 miles.
The flight from Edinburgh to Sharm El Sheikh typically takes around 6 hours and 10 minutes. It is a direct flight meaning there are no stops or layovers in between.Departure from Edinburgh - 8:15 AMArrival in Sharm El Sheikh - 2:25 PMThe flight time can vary as can the departure and arrival times so it is best to check the exact flight times when booking tickets.
5 hours 45 minutes