The flight time from Cleveland to Costa Rica is four hours and twenty-one minutes.
About 1 hour and 45 minutes
4.5 hours
The flight should take you 9 hours.
A flight from Cleveland, Ohio to U.S. Virgin Islands take about 4 and a half hours. The distance from Cleveland, Ohio to U.S. Virgin Islands is 1,920 miles or 3,089 kilometers,
It takes approx. 3h 15m to reach cleveland ohio if you go from a flight. It takes approx. 35 minutes if you prefer to go via a rocket.
Cleveland, OH (CLE) to San Antonio, TX (SAT) Shortest Flight Duration: 3 hours 17 mins
4 hours and 45 minutes
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Aruba would have a flying time of about 4 hours, 24 minutes.
2 hours 45 min?
The flight time is approximately 4 hours, 24 minutes.
The duration of a typical flight from Glasgow to Cleveland would be 7 hours.