Chicago, IL (CHI) to Florence (FLR) Shortest Flight Duration * 10 hours 53 mins * Via Frankfurt International Apt, Frankfurt (FRA) * this includes transfer time at Frankfurt International Apt, Frankfurt (FRA)
19hours 35 minutes with 2 stops
The direct flight time is 10 hours and 27 minutes.
The flight time is approximately 1 hour, 6 minutes.
A flight from Newcastle, United Kingdom to Florence, Italy would take about 2 and a half hours. There is approximately 965 miles between the two locations.
for 17 years
The flight time from Perth in Australia to Florence in Italy is approximately 16 hours and 28 minutes.The approximate distance is 13498.04 km.Which is approximately 8387 miles.Please note that the flight time and distance are approximate. Several factors such as weather conditions could affect either.
The flight time from Frankfurt in Germany to Florence in Italy is approximately 1 hour and 28 minutes.The approximate distance is 733.01 km.Which is approximately 455 miles.Please note that the flight time and distance are approximate. Several factors such as weather conditions could affect either.
They stayed in Florence, Italy for 2 months.
The flight from California to Germany is 12 hours long.
a very long time
From Florence Colorado to Louisville CO is 130.43 miles.From Florence Colorado to Louisville KY is 1,133.22 miles.From Florence Italy to Louisville KY is a long way.From Florence Italy to Louisville CO is even longer.