The average flight time from Edinburgh to Auckland is 10 mins
You are most likely to fly over the Scottish mountains on a flight from London Heathrow to Aberdeen Scotland.
Your flight time will be 23 hours if you fly from Scotland to New Zealand.
The flight distance from Auckland, New Zealand to Maldives is 6,841 miles / 11,010 km
30 minutes flight or 3hr drive
Bangkok, Thailand is approximately 5,890 miles away from Aberdeen, Scotland. The flight would take about 12 hours and 15 minutes to complete.
The flight distance from Saint Louis, Missouri to Auckland Airport NZ is 7,972 miles.
The flight time between Auckland, New Zealand and Bologna, Italy is approximately 22 hours and 17 minutes.The distance is about 11,430 miles.
10 hours 15 minutes if on the direct flight
about 1 hour and 20 minutes for a direct flight
The flight time from Auckland, New Zealand to China is about 13 hours, 21 minutes.
Expect travel time of 30-34 hours including layovers it is long and demanding if you don't mind an extra day consider spending a day and a sleep in Asia or North America depending on your direction of travel. This makes the trip lots easier. Expect to change planes 4 times for example this would be a typical trip - Aberdeen-London-Singapore-Auckland-Gisborne.