The flight time is approximately 2 hours, 26 minutes.
The flight time from Houston, Texas to South, VA is:2 hours, 32 minutes
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Moscow, Russia would have a flying time of about 11 hours, 51 minutes.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and New Mexico would have a flying time of about 1 hours, 27 minutes.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Vancouver, Canada would have a flying time of about 3 hours, 58 minutes.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Cleveland, OH would have a flying time of about 2 hours, 14 minutes.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and North Carolina would have a flying time of about 1 hours, 59 minutes.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Akron, OH would have a flying time of about 2 hours, 12 minutes.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Augusta, GA would have a flying time of about 1 hours, 39 minutes.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Lisbon, Portugal would have a flying time of about 9 hours, 35 minutes.
The shortest flight between Manila, PH and Washington, DC is 8,762 miles.
A typical flight between Washington, DC and Long Beach, CA would have a flying time of about 4 hours, 36 minutes.