The flight time between Long Beach and Dallas is approximately 2 hours and 46 minutes.The distance is about 1,240 miles.
A typical flight between Cincinnati, OH and Greenville, SC would have a flying time of about 38 minutes.
A typical flight between LGW and Cincinnati, OH would have a flying time of about 7 hours, 56 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Memphis, TN would have a flying time of about 50 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Chile would have a flying time of about 9 hours, 16 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Maine would have a flying time of about 3 hours, 22 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Netherlands would have a flying time of about 9 hours, 54 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Lawton, OK would have a flying time of about 19 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Aruba would have a flying time of about 4 hours, 24 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and McAllen, TX would have a flying time of about 55 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Pittsburgh, PA would have a flying time of about 2 hours, 8 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Heidelberg, Germany would have a flying time of about 10 hours, 20 minutes.