Columbus, OH (CMH) to Washington, DC (WAS)Shortest Flight Duration 1 hour 17 mins
The address of the Honor Flight Columbus Inc is: 778 Northwest Blvd, Columbus, OH 43212-3832
It is 4620.3 miles between Columbus, Ohio and Viena, Austria
The distance between Cleveland, Ohio and Columbus, Ohio is approximately 140 miles.
A flight to Columbus, Ohio to New York City takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes. There is approximately 477 miles between the two locations.
There are about 383 miles between Columbus, Ohio and Hershey, Pennsylvania.
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Columbus, Ohio is: 276 miles / 444 km
Halfway between Columbus and Cincinnati
98.81 miles
173 miles
The distance between Columbus, Ohio and Springfield, Ohio is approximately 45 miles by road.
Columbus, Ohio is farther from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania than from Indianapolis, Indiana. The distance between Columbus and Indianapolis is about 175 miles, while the distance between Columbus and Harrisburg is about 330 miles.