The total direct flight time between Atlanta, Georgia, and Fiji is about 14h 12min. This does not include the amount of time you may spend waiting at an airport for a connecting flight. The flight distance is 11,603.10 km.
A typical flight between Thailand and Fiji would have a flying time of about 11 hours, 33 minutes.
A typical flight between Perth, Australia and Fiji would have a flying time of about 7 hours, 56 minutes.
There are 7,938 miles between New York City, New York and Suva, Fiji. Flight times begin at 23 hours, 15 minutes.
Less then 25minutes.
About 3-4 hours.
It takes a 10hr straight flight from Incheon South Korea to Nadi Fiji.
There are 9,111 miles between Fiji and Moscow in Russia. The estimated flight time between these two locations is 18 hours and 43 minutes.
The distance between Suva, the capital of Fiji and Minneapolis, MN is 7011 miles. On average, a flight between them, not counting layovers, is 14 hours, 31 minutes.
The flight duration is approximately 9 hours, 13 minutes.
A typical flight between Washington, DC and Atlanta, GA would have a flying time of about 1 hours, 5 minutes.
A typical flight between Atlanta, GA and Brisbane, Australia would have a flying time of about 18 hours, 5 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Atlanta, GA would have a flying time of about 1 hours, 27 minutes.