Depends on how long your lay overs take. I have been waited for 8 hours in Chicago and New York before. A direct flight takes about 9 and a half hours.
The average flight time is 8 hours, depending on where in Spain you go to.
The flight time is 2 hours, 47 minutes.
The flight time from Texas (TX) to Spain is 10 hours, 38 minutes.
The flight time is 9 hours, 47 minutes.
The flight time from London, United Kingdom to Spain is: 2 hours, 8 minutes
Travel time to (by car) : spain(91 Hours) Travel time to (by plane) : (12 Hours)
The flight time from Bristol, United Kingdom to Barcelona, Spain is about 1 hour, 28 minutes.
The flight time from Singapore to Spain is about 14 hours, 12 minutes.
The flight time is 16-17 hours (with stops).
The average flight time is 8 hours, 47 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
A typical flight between Palma, Spain and Berlin, Germany would have a flying time of about 2 hours, 4 minutes.
The flight time for flights between the above places is 10.5 hours This is an approximate travel time. The actual time might change depending on the flight path chosen, weather conditions, etc.