how long is the flight from san diego ca. to honolulu hawaii
Flight time or miles? Flight time is approximately 8 hours. The distance from Honolulu, Hawaii to San Antonio, Texas is 3,707 miles.
The average flight time is 4 hours, 47 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
how long is a flight from san fransisco to barbadose
It depends on what kind of flight direct or not when I went on vacation to Hawaii it was 12 hours. 12.5 hrs
Los angles or San Francisco
Ho long is a flight from sfo to san juan, puerto rico?
The shortest scheduled flight is 9.5 hours, but this does not include ground times. It does include a 40 minute stopover in San Francisco. A non-stop flight (if available) would be a minimum of 6.5 to 7 hours flight time.
The flight is about 14-15 hours long
The flight isapproximately3-4 hours long.
The flight would be 13 hours long.
The length of the flight is determined by where you are departing from.