The flight time from Anchorage, Alaska to Seoul, South Korea is approximately 7 hours and 39 minutes.
The total distance is approximately 6092.44 km or 3785 miles.
This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
The flight distance from Seoul, South Korea to Anchorage, Alaska is about 3,780 miles.
No, it crosses the Kodiac Islands south of Alaska and Northeast Russia, not Korea.
The flight would be 12 hours long.
A flight from Oklahoma to South Korea will take approximately 14 hours.
A flight from Freeland Michigan to Fairbanks Alaska takes 6 hours.
1 day
It depends on where in Korea, but it will take about 9 hours and 50 minutes.
6.5 hours
i guess about 19 hours
2 mins
About 7 hours.
2 hours