4 hours
The flight time from Chicago, Illinois to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic is: 4 hours, 26 minutes
3 hours
3 hours, 49 minutes
About 4 hours and 20 minutes.
The flight time is 8 hours, 36 minutes.
Why Dont you ask your mother, a plane already landed in her domanicain republic.
It takes about 3 hours from New York to the dominican republic Punta Cana.
about 3 in a half hours give of take...... YOUR WELCOME
From Cincinnati, Iowa, United States to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic it's about 2,111 miles or 3,397 kilometers. Direction to Destination : South-East.
It is qouted to be approximately 4 hours long in travel catalogues but my flight is quoted to be 4 hours and 15 minutes by skyservice. hope that helps but flying times can vary depending on conditions.
A flight from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to Charlotte, North Carolina would take about an hour and a half. There is about 410 miles between the two locations.