Baltimore, MD (BWI) to London (LON)Shortest Flight Duration 7 hours 20 mins
One hour and thirty minuts
A typical flight between Madrid, Spain and Baltimore, MD would have a flying time of about 7 hours, 31 minutes.
approx. 6 hours with a tail wind
The flight time from BWI (Baltimore, MD) Airport to Honolulu, Hawaii is about 10 hours.
This flight takes approximately 13 hours.
about 45 minutes
Baltimore, MD (BWI) to Athens (ATH) Shortest Flight Duration * 12 hours 15 mins * Via New York J F Kennedy Baltimore, MD (BWI) to Athens (ATH) Shortest Flight Duration * 12 hours 15 mins * Via New York J F Kennedy
The distance from Baltimore, MD to Manila, Philippines is 8,539 miles. The flight distance between the two cities is approximately 17 hours and 5 minutes.
Exactly 9+ hours...This is from Ramstein AB to BWI
The flight distance is 2,331 miles.