The time required for flight between the above places is 2 hrs. Average speed of 500 miles/hour is used to calculate the time. This time is inclusive of the landing and take off times. However, the time required for the baggage and security checking has not been added. The actual time may change depending on the flight path chosen.
A nonstop flight from Providence, Rhode Island to Detroit, Michigan takes about 1 hour 55 minutes. The flight distance is 601.3 miles.
If you fly, you can expect it to take 13-16 hours from Detroit to Lagos.
7 Hours
3 hrs
1 hour 13 mins
no idea about
It would take 10 hours.
11 hours 45 mins
1 hour 5 minutes
3 hours 57 minutes
3 hours and 30 minutes
My Southwest ticket says it takes 5hrs and 35minutes so probably less than that.
It takes around the 7 hours and 25 minutes.