Charlotte, NC (CLT) to Seoul (SEL)
Flight Duration * 17 hours 15 mins * Via Washington Dulles International Apt, Washington (IAD) Distance:
The distance between Charlotte, North Carolina and Seoul, South Korea is 7115 miles (11450 km).
A flight from North Carolina to Japan would take about 14 and a half hours. There is about 6,936 miles between the two locations.
The flight time from Nashville, TN to Korea will vary depending on airline and stops. A non stop flight will take an estimated 14 hours, 20 minutes.
There are no nonstop flights from Raleigh, North Carolina to Bangkok, Thailand. Flight durations begin at 23 hours 24 minutes.
long time
Approx. 9 hrs
12 hours!!
3 hours.
72 hours
1 hour 49 minutes
A little over an hour.
it takes 3 days
The length of time it takes to fly from Greensboro, NC to Indianapolis, IN is 3 hours and 30 minutes. As of 2014, there are no non-stop flights between the two cities.
Typical flying time is 3 hours and 44 minutes
It takes around 2 and a half hours depending on weather and air traffic.
to fly from Raleigh, NC to Lima, Peru will take a minimum of 10 hours 5 minutes. All flight between the 2 are connecting flights.