A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Ghana would have a flying time of about 12 hours, 24 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and South Africa would have a flying time of about 17 hours, 56 minutes.
It is about 9982 kilometers from Ghana to Dallas, Texas. The average flight time, including take off and landing times is about 13 hours.
6 hours
How long does it take to get to Dallas in Texas? That depends on mode of travel and where yuo are coming from. :) There's an old saying in texas- "From sun-up to sunset, we is still in Texas yet".
Depends where
To get from Birmingham, Alabama to Dallas, Texas, it would take 9 hours and 45 minutes.
about 3-6 hrs
About 6 hours
18 hours
10 minutes
2-4 hours
4 hours
2 days