6 hours!
1 week
about 3-5 hours depends what route you take
20 hrs 35 mins
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 3 hours and 46 minutes.
The shortest flight, with one stop in Atlanta, is 16hrs 47minutes.
Google Maps estimates the drving time as 37 hours.
10 to 11 hours if you don't stop anywhere a lot
by car, it takes 11 hours, 26 minutes
It takes about 9 hours 57 minutes to travel from Des Moines, Iowa to Dayton, Ohio if you travel via I-80 E and I-74 E.
Dayton, OH (DAY) to Orlando, FL (ORL) Shortest Flight Duration: 2 hours 7 mins
The total distance is 951miles. The journey would take about 13 hours and 30 minutes.