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Q: How is a plane designed to reduce drag?
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Why do pilots have to adjust the plane's wing flaps throughout a flight?

To reduce the drag

How can an object be designed to reduce air friction or drag?

An object can be designed to reduce air friction or drag by improving its aerodynamics, such as streamlining its shape to minimize resistance. Additionally, adding smooth or flatter surfaces can help reduce turbulence and drag. Employing materials with low friction coefficients can also help reduce air resistance.

Are airplanes designed to reduce or increase drag?

Airplanes try to reduce drag so they can cut back on fuel costs, and shave time off their route.

How are airplanes designed to reduce drag?

Airplanes are designed to reduce drag by incorporating streamlined shapes and smooth surfaces to minimize air resistance. Winglets at the end of wings help reduce the formation of vortexes that create drag. Advanced materials and coatings are also used to reduce skin friction drag on the aircraft's surface.

What is a boattail?

A boattail is the progressively narrowing rear end of a bullet or ballistic missile which is designed to reduce drag.

How a plane reduces friction?

A plane reduces friction through several means, including the use of aerodynamic shapes to minimize surface contact with the air, smooth surfaces to reduce drag, and lubricants on moving parts to decrease friction. Additionally, landing gears are designed to absorb the impact of landing and reduce friction during takeoff and landing.

Why does an airplane retract its landing gear into the body of the plane?

Because that helps to reduce 'drag' and lets the aircraft move faster.

How does the shape of a plane's wing reduce drag?

The shape of a plane's wing, typically designed with a curved upper surface and flatter lower surface, creates a pressure difference that generates lift. This lift counters the force of gravity and allows the plane to stay aloft. The streamlined shape also helps to minimize drag by allowing air to move smoothly over the wing.

What are the forces of a plane slowing down to land?

The main forces that slow down a plane during landing are drag, which is the air resistance that opposes the plane's motion, and friction between the landing gear and the runway. By reducing engine thrust and adjusting flaps and spoilers, the pilot can control these forces to safely decelerate the plane for landing.

How do you reduce drag?

To reduce drag, you can: Streamline the shape of the object to minimize resistance. Smoothen the surface to reduce friction. Eliminate unnecessary protrusions or features that contribute to drag.

What is drag on a plane?

drag is minimized by aerofoil shape. drag is a force acts on aircraft to minimize speed

What is the drag force caused by on a plane?

The drag force on a plane is caused by air resistance as the plane moves through the air. This resistance is due to the friction between the air molecules and the surface of the plane, which opposes the plane's forward motion.