Backups that were made before the application of FileVault will not be encrypted. Backups made after the application of FileVault might be encrypted depending on how the backups were made.
The most important procedure that you can use to protect your software and data includes making frequent backups of your data. You should store the backups in remote locations
Daily backups are ideal.
You should perform regular backups of a hard drive at least weekly.
Backups! You can never have too many backups.
I cannot stress this enough... you may not think that backups are necessary, but they ARE! When your computer crashes, if it does, a backup can save hundreds of hours of work! So, yes... backups should be regularly performed. Other Windows 7 tips and tricks are available in the "Related Links" section.
For what intervals can you schedule backups?
In case of disaster, you should always have backups of important data. Memory sticks and disks make is a very good way for storing significant work on.
"UPS battery backups have a variety of times for which they last. If you're running a server room on a few UPS backups, they will last at least a half hour to an hour. If you're running one for a desktop, the minimum time it should last is at least 45 minutes."