The total area of Baghdad, Iraq is approximately 204.2 square miles (529 square kilometers).
Baghdad, Iraq - 437.8 square miles.
How many miles between sydney Australia and Baghdad Iraq
Basra is 445 kilometers (277 miles) from Baghdad.
The air distance from Baghdad, Iraq, to Baghdogra, India, is 2,653 miles. That equals 4,269 kilometers or 2,305 nautical miles.
The distance from Baghdad, Iraq, to Pendleton, Oregon, is 6,892 air miles. That equals 11,092 kilometers or 5,989 nautical miles.
5,815 miles
The distance between Gainesville, Florida and Baghdad, Iraq is 6880 miles (11072 km).
The distance from Houston, Texas, to Baghdad, Iraq, is 7,362 air miles. That equals 11,847 kilometers or 6,397 nautical miles.
A flight from Kansas to Baghdad, Iraq take about 14 and a half hours. The distance from Kansas to Baghdad, Iraq is 6,898 miles or 11,101 kilometers.
From Auburn, Maine, USA, to Baghdad, Iraq, it is 5,694 miles.
The air distance from Sydney, Australia, to Baghdad, Iraq, is 8,318 miles. That equals 13,385 kilometers or 7,227 nautical miles.