The distance between the above places is 1316 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport precise distance.
Air miles from Montego Bay, Jamaica, Caribbean to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States of America total 1,503. That is 2,418 kilometers. That is 1,306 nautical miles.
It is 205.60 miles according to MapQuest.
Harrisburg is the capital city of Pennsylvania
No, Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania.
No, Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is a city within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Harrisburg is the capital city of Pennsylvania.
Harrisburg is the state capital of Pennsylvania. Lancaster was the state capital from 1799 but they moved to Harrisburg in October of 1812.
No - the capital of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg.
Harrisburg is the capital city of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Yes, Harrisburg (no h on the end) is the capitol of Pennsylvania.
The Capitol of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg.
Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania.