The air distance from Geneva, Switzerland, to Canton, Ohio, United States of America, is 4,183 miles. That equals 6,732 kilometers or 3,635 nautical miles.
How far is it from Columbus Ohio to Canton Ohio
how far is daytonohio to north canton Ohio
332 miles.
508 miles.
Romansch is spoken in the far south-east of Switzerland, in parts (but not all) of the canton of Graubünden.
Paris, France to Geneva, Switzerland is about 335 Miles - 539 Km by road.
It is 1,029 miles from Canton, OH to Fargo, ND, via I-80 and I-90.
It is just over 2,000 miles between Canton, Ohio and Lake Tahoe.
240 miles
Zurich, with 1,941 same-sex partnerships registered from 2007 to 2012, is by far the Swiss canton with the most registered partnerships.
Assuming the Youngstown you want is in Ohio, it's 60 miles.
A distance of 4612.3 miles or 7422.8 kilometers or a flight duration of 9 hours 35 minutes.