155 miles taking this route:Take SH-23 EAST from Raglan to SH-39 NORTH. Turn left.Take SH-39 NORTH to SH-1. Turn left onto SH-1 NORTH to AUCKLAND.Take SH-1 NORTH to Auckland.
Auckland, New Zealand - 419.3 sq miles.
532 km
the km is 572 kms
650 km taking SH-1 SOUTH towards HAMILTON.
512 kms by road and 609 kms by rail...
The distance in kms from London, England, to Auckland, New Zealand: 18, 327km The distance in kms from Northern Ireland, Belfast, to Auckland, NZ: 18, 031km If you would give the actual town in the UK you're wanting the distance from it will be a lot more accurate.
In a straight line 180 Kms. By road 215 Kms
22km or 30 minutes by car.
383 kms
About 20,000 kms
390 kms