The maximum range of the Airbus A380-800 is 9,400 miles.
The maximum range of the A380 is 9,400 miles.
advantages of airbus A380
The Airbus A380 is assembled in Toulouse, France.
there are 4 engines on a380 airbus
The Airbus A380 has a total of 22 wheels.
The A380 is developed and built by the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus.
The airbus a380
A variation of the Airbus A380
Airbus created it
Airbus A380 maximum rangeA380-800: 15,700 km (8,500 nmi, 9,755 miles)A380F: 10,400 km (5,600 nmi, 6,400 miles)
FedEx has ordered some Airbus A380 F (Freighter).