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There is a concept of lift when aircraft is built. The wing of an airplane takes a shape commonly referred to as an airfoil, that is curved downward on the top, but is mostly flat on the bottom. When an airplane speeds down the run way, the air is "split" by the wind. Air that travels above the wing is fast (since it has a longer distance to travel due to the curve) and is low in pressure. Air that skims the bottom of the wing is relatively slower (since it has a shorter distance to travel, because it is flat) and has higher pressure. Since there is more pressure below the wing than there is on top, the airplane is lifted up.

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Q: How does an airplane get off the ground?
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How does airplane works?

As an airplane moves forward a vacuum forms on top of the wing. That vacuum lifts the airplane off the ground and into the air.

How does an airplane take off the ground?

he engine is accelerared and the airplane moves down the runway gaining sped. When speed is high enough, 'lift' is created around the wings and it lifts off the ground.

How would a person survive an earthquake?

Get off the ground. i.e. In an Airplane.

What is Landspeed of a airplane at take off?

This varies greatly from airplane to airplane, as well as according to ground wind conditions. Keep in mind that landspeed does not matter to an airplane nearly as much as AIRspeed. For example, your typical 4-seater single engine airplane takes off at around 60mph airspeed. Given a 20mph headwind, this aircraft could take off at 40mph GROUND speed. If you are interested in how fast the ground is wizzing by when youre looking out the window of the airliner. Most airliners take off at around 150 to 180 mph AIRspeed.

What is the name of an airplane driving on the ground?

Moving an airplane on the ground is called 'taxiing'

What happens when an airplane takes off against the wind?

It then produces lift due to wing configuration and can take off

What principle governs the take off of a flight?

For an airplane taking off I believe that would be a combination of Bernoulli's principle and ground effect.

How does a Airplane get off the Ground?

well........ if you look at a shapes of a bird wings it is a bit the same and tht will give you the answer

What type of energy does an airplane taking off have?

An airplane taking off has kinetic energy, which is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. As the airplane accelerates down the runway and gains speed, it builds up kinetic energy that is then used to lift off the ground and continue its flight.

What do you feel on an airplane takeoff?

When an airplane takes off, passengers will feel the acceleration and lift off of the plane as it leaves the ground. Sometimes this can make passengers nervous, or as it receives elevation, it can make peoples ears pop.

Why does a wing lift an airplane off the ground?

A wing lifts an airplane off the ground through the Bernoulli's principle, where the shape of the wing creates a pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces. This pressure difference generates lift, which counteracts the force of gravity and allows the airplane to become airborne.

Why is the back of the airplane narrow and higher off ground then the front of the airplane?

This is to allow the airplane to rotate when it is taking off. (Rotating is when the pilot pulls back, raises the nose of the aircraft, and the aircraft rises into the air). If the aircraft did not have this raised tail-end, a "tail-strike" would happen, which damages the aircraft.