Win a contest, or get someone to give you an airplane ticket.
17 fuel cup wins and one funny car win
The funny putty should be on the screen/scene where there are many toys: the nut cracker, broken airplane/glider, large baseball mit.
None. It wasn't nominated for a single Oscar.
They one the American Science medal in 1911
Copper is too soft and weak.
Here's your chance to be creative and/or funny! Go for a funny story, like something crazy you did when you were young, that will make him laugh or tell him the coolest/nicest thing you've ever done. He learns something about you and you sound amazing/funny. Win win!
jack sparrow ... funny and clever with it .. he is a legend ..
Deadpool will win over deathstrokes as he can teleportis a super ninjahas adumintium swordsis funny as hell
It is impossible but funny we can do check mate by moving one step
I'm pretty sure it was Funny Cide
Because they think kids are funny when really, they're overrated.