safe travels
The only answer to the English safe travels translated into Lithuanian is - saugaus Kelionės.
Bon Voyage is french. Say "Bon Voyage". The current phrasing does not make sense in English or in French. One would not say "Safe Travels, our friends" in English. One might say "May you have safe travels, dear friends" which would be translated as "Bon Voyage, chers amis". Bon voyage a nos ami - in french safe journeys our friends- in English
Viagens seguras
You say "j'aime le français" to say "I love French" in French.
love in french is "amour".
To say "I love him/her" in French, you say: "Je l'aime"
You can say "Je l'aime" to say "I love him" or "I love her" in French.
to love is translated 'aimer' in French
in love in French is "amoureux de".
Its viajar travel in spanish is viajar
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