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One can practice to become a pilot from the Dauntless Soft website. The website offers a simulated flight program that allows people to practice to become a pilot.

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What training do you need to become a pilot?


What type of subjects do you need to do to become a pilot?

Maths is one of the subjects

How do you become an entertainment?

To become one u have to practice every day.

How old does one have to be to fly a plane?

>well im a pilot myself.and i suggest when you are a pilot which is 20yrs about and i suggest you get drunk. it depends on the type of aircraft and the country, but in Canada one can become a glider pilot at 16 and a power pilot at age 17.

Infinitive phrase in Georgio is planning to become an airplane pilot?

Georgio is planning to become an airplane pilot. The complete infinitive phrase is "to become an airplane pilot".

Do you have to jump out of a plane to become a pilot?

You do not have to jump out of a plane to become a pilot. A person only has to complete pilot training courses and log enough hours of both trained and solo flight to become a pilot.

How long does it take to become a Professional Pilot?

Well, Wiki User, this truly depends on where you are applying to become a professional Pilot, for example, it might take four years in one country, or only one in another. As well as this, it depends on how quick you pick up the skills needed to become a pilot. You might pick up these skills quickly, or not! This will also depend on what type of pilot you want to become. On average, it takes around two to four years to become a Pilot. I hope this has answered your question, Wiki User!! Yours sincerely, TheSmartJelly

Is there a test that you have to pass in order to become a commercial airline pilot?

well if you want to become a pilot you have to be taught how to do all the pilot stuff and flying the airplane and so on, but you also have pass tests do become a pilot, obiously, so I think yes, I think you do have to pass a test do become a pilot, obiously.

Where can one find information on how to become a pilot?

An individual can find information on how to become a pilot at various websites. Examples would include FAA, Ehow, Wikihow, How Stuff Works, and Jet Careers.

When you are ready to bicome a pilot?

after completion of my pilot course i will be joining the airlines and i will become a pilot.

How can become a pilot?

Going to training in a flight or pilot school.

Why did Charles Lindbergh become a pilot?

to be an army reserve pilot.