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Hot air balloons are steered by changing altitude. The air currents are often going different directions at different altitudes, and by changing altitude you can get into an air current going the direction that you want to go. This isn't complete control like the steering on a car or airplane, you are still limited to the directions that the wind is going, but you have some control.

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What is the difference between a hot air balloon and a gas balloon?

A hot air balloon uses heated air to generate lift, while a gas balloon uses a lighter-than-air gas, such as helium or hydrogen. Hot air balloons are propelled by wind currents, while gas balloons can be steered to some extent using ballast and vents. However, gas balloons typically have longer flight durations compared to hot air balloons.

Where in the atmosphere do hot air balloons float?

Hot air balloons float because hot air displaces cool air in the atmosphere

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air balloons or hot air balloons fly because they fill with a very light type of air. The air is hot air.

Why do hot air balloons work?

Hot air balloons work by heating the air inside the balloon with a burner, which makes the air less dense and causes the balloon to rise. This is because the hot air inside the balloon is lighter than the cooler air outside, creating a buoyant force that lifts the balloon. By controlling the temperature of the air inside the balloon, the pilot can control the altitude of the balloon.

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This may not help, but I didn't think it had ANYTHING to do with hot-air balloons...

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Why were hot air balloons made in 1783?

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What form is helium?

Helium is a chemical element, and its most common form is a gas at room temperature and pressure.

What is something interesting about hot air balloons?

Hot air balloons were the first successful human-carrying flight technology, dating back to the 18th century. They operate on the principle that hot air is lighter than cool air, allowing them to lift off the ground. Hot air balloons offer a serene flying experience and are a popular choice for sightseeing and recreational air travel.

How do hot air balloons stay in air?

hot air rises

Why do you think hot-air balloons can rise into the air?

Hot-air balloons can rise up into the air because hot air is lighter, allowing it to float up into the sky.

How do hot air balloons produce lift?

Hot Air