He sabotaged (past tense) the airplanes.
He held in his hands the fact that the party was lying about creating the airplanes. The party did not invent airplanes, because Winston remembered them from his childhood.
Depending on the time period, they used trains over land, and ships over water.
In the past it used to be very hard to fly gas powered remote control airplanes. However these days, they come 90% assembeled, and are generally easy to fly! http://www.raidentech.com/arfnigasai.html
All gliders are airplanes, but not all airplanes are gliders.
Yes, jets really are airplanes but they are faster airplanes.
airplanes are cool
Yes, jets are airplanes but they are called supersonic airplanes.
Yes, airplanes are aircraft. However, not all aircraft are airplanes. Helicopters, blimps, and balloons are aircraft- but they are not airplanes. Airplanes are generally fixed wing machines that move through the air.
No, there were no airplanes in the Victorian era.
Something about airplanes