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Q: Helicopters land and take off from this place?
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Where does helicopters land and take off from?

A helipad

What are the pros about helicopters?

They can land and take off almost anywhere.

What was the helicopters purpose?

Originally to take off and land where there were no runways.

What word is a place that helicopters land and take off?

A place, area or platform within a wider area specifically designated for helicopters is a helipad; a specially created terminal and ground zone for helicopters is called a heliport. Otherwise, helicopters can generally land whenever and wherever they need to, as long as there is enough space for the rotors to fit and enough fuel for them to get out again.

What is the full word for heliport?

heli(copter) + (air)port. A place for helicopters to land and take off. Also called helipad, helistop.

Can an airplane that lands on water land on ground?

Amphibious airplanes can take off and land on water or land. They are fixed-wing seaplanes that are equipped with retractable wheels.Amphibious helicopters are modified helicopters that can take off and land on either water or land. They are invaluable for rescue work on the water.

Why are helicopters important?

They don't need an airstrip. They can take off and land anywhere (weather and ground fire permitting).

What can helicopters do that airplanes cannot?

1. Hover. 2. Take-off and land vertically. Although there are airplanes (such as the Harrier) which can do these things.

Which word form of heliport?

The word 'heliport' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a place designed for helicopters to land and take off. The noun heliport is not a compound noun because 'heli-' is not a word, it is a prefix.

What can helicopters do that make them unique?

Vertical take off and set down for one Helicopters can hover.

Where do helicopters take off from?

Helicopters can take off from anywhere - runways, docks, building roofs, ship's decks. If it's a purpose-made spot it's usually called a helipad or a heliport.

Name the place at the airpot where aeroplanes take off and land?
