That depends on the model and year of the aircraft, and what equipment is installed. Cessna started building 172s in 1955, and has built more than 60,000 individual models of the airplane. Different engines, different radios & navigation equipment, different interiors all effect the weight of an individual airplane. The AVERAGE empty weight (no fuel in tanks) of a Cessna 172R, built from 1996 to 1998, is 1691 pounds.
Cessna 172s hold 56 gallons of fuel. At Felts Field in Spokane, 100LL aviation gasoline is $6.27 per gallon as I write, so it would cost $351.12 to take the plane from completely empty tanks to completely full ones.
how much fuel does a 406 Cessna take
There is not, and never has been a Cessna called 'Mustang'
You nust have a number wrong, there is no record of a Cessna 142
That there is no fuel in it!
Avgas 100LL
20.3 gallons
There are many different kinds of Cessna so your question is un-answerable.
Avgas 100LL
That depends on which Cessna. Many of the earlier Cessnas were made to run on regular auto gasoline, however now most need avgas or jet fuel.
The average fuel consumption of the 2006 Honda Accord is 10 km per liter of fuel. This includes in calculation the fuel consumption in crowded areas and the fuel consumption in regular areas.