10hr 50min to 11hr 00min Paris (CDG) to Bangkok (BKK) by a nonstop flight operated by Air France or Thai Airways.
it takes 27 hours
The flight time from Bangkok, Thailand to Sydney, Australia is about 9 hours, 21 minutes.
Driving - 823 km Flying - 692 km
The flight time from London, United Kingdom to Paris, France is about 25 minutes.
4ish hours
On average, 11 hours and 7 minutes, depending on where in France you start from.
The flight time from Toronto, Canada to Paris, France is about 7.5 hours.
The flight time from Paris, France to Mauritius is about 11 hours, 41 minutes.
It depends on where you are flying to in France. If, for example, you were flying to Paris then the flight would be approximately 55 minutes.
Its approximately 8 and a half hours but it depends on how fast you go!!
The flight time from Santiago, Chile to Nice, France is about 14 hours, 27 minutes.
The flight time from Newcastle, Australia to Nice, France is about 20 hours, 47 minutes.