The flight distance from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport to Tokyo, Japan is about 6,880 miles.
The total flight duration from Tokyo, Japan to Atlanta, GA is 14 hours, 15 minutes.
The flight distance from Atlanta, GA, to Tokyo, Japan, is 6876 miles (11066 km) by the shortest aerial route.
It would be 9:00 pm in Tokyo. Tokyo is 13 hours ahead of Atlanta.
If you want to fly from Alabama to Tokyo, you could either connect through Dallas or Atlanta. From Dallas it's about 13 hours and from Atlanta it's about 14 hours
Approximate flight duration time from Tokyo to Amsterdam is:12 hrs
It would be the same time in Tokyo as if you took a flight from Winnipeg to anywhere else.
The flight time from Tokyo, Japan to Narita, Japan is:34 minutes
The flight time from Tokyo, Japan to Philippines is: 4 hours, 20 minutes
The flight duration from Tampa to Atlanta is 50 minutes.
The flight time from Osaka, Japan to Tokyo, Japan is about 30 minutes.
A typical flight between Tokyo, Japan and Egypt takes about 12 to 13 hours.