The flight time from Lagos, Nigeria to Sydney, Australia is about 19.5 hours.
The flight time from Sydney, Australia to Illinois (IL) is about 18.5 hours.
The flight time from New York to Barbados would take approximately 4 hours and 41 minutes. The actual flight distance is 2,090 miles or 3,363 km.
The flight time from Adelaide, Australia to Barbados is about 21 hours, 7 minutes.
its around 5hrs flight time..
The flight time from Australia to Barbados is approximately 21 hours and 57 minutes.The total distance is 18111.14k km or 1303 miles.The flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could alter the length of the flight.
The flight time is approximately 19 hours.
The time difference between Bridgetown, Barbados (AST) and Sydney, Australia (AEST) is 14 hours. Sydney is 14 hours ahead of Bridgetown.
Flight:Auckland (AKL) to Denpasar Bali (DPS)Flight Duration * 11 hours 30 mins * Via Sydney Kingsford Smith Apt, Sydney (SYD)Distance:The distance between Auckland, New Zealand and Denapasar, Bali is 4186 miles (6737 km).
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