From Tel Aviv, Israel to Melbourne, Australia, through Hong Kong: total flight duration is: 19 hours and 55 min, not including layover time.
The flight time from Christchurch to Melbourne is three hours.
The flight time from Christchurch to Melbourne is three hours.
The flight time from Berlin, Germany to Melbourne Airport is about 19 hours, 49 minutes.
The average flight time from Melbourne Airport to Ballina, Australia is 1 hour, 35 minutes.
The flight time from Melbourne to Abu Dhabi, UAE is 14 hours, 31 mins.
Flight time from Beirut, Lebanon to Melbourne is 17 hours, 8 minutes.
Flight: Melbourne (MEL) to Hobart (HBA)Flight Duration 1 hour 10 mins
The flight time from Melbourne to Vanuatu is 4 hours.
The flight is just over an hour long in actual time (remember that Melbourne is half an hour ahead of Adelaide's time.)
The flight time is 9 hours and 55 Mins
The flight time from Melbourne to Dili, Timor-Leste is 4 hours, 43 minutes
Travel time to Melbourne from Santiago: 19 ½ hours.