From Texarkana it is 1,246 miles and from El Paso it is only 432 miles. The measurement of any distance mandates a defined destination and starting point. Undefined or obscure parameters are a cartographer and a geographer's worst nightmare. Time and distance cannot be measured without them.
A flight from Sonoma county California to Gilbert Arizona can be different times. It all depends on if it is a non-stop flight or not.
There is no time difference between California and Arizona.
From Phoenix to New York City, a flight is about 5 hours.
The flight time from Arizona (AZ) to Bangalore, India is:18 hours, 49 minutes
It is one hour later in Arizona than it is in California. If it is 5 PM in California, it is 6 PM in Arizona.
Arizona does not observe Daylight Saving Time whereas California does. Therefore, Arizona is typically one hour ahead of California during Daylight Saving Time (from spring to fall) and the same time as California during Standard Time (from fall to spring).
About a 2 hour flight :)
The flight time is 14 hours, 51 minutes.
The flight time from Phoenix, Arizona, US, to San Bernardino, California, US is approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes. The total distance is approximately 489.18 km or 303 miles. This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
About four hours.
The flight time from New York to California is about 5.5 hours.