The driving distance from LAX to Las Vegas is 287 miles.
105 e 605 n 10 e 15n
The driving distance from Flagstaff, AZ to LAX is 481 miles
121 Miles
The driving distance is about 93 road miles.
The driving distance from Los Angeles International Airport to Antioch, CA is 360 miles.
The driving distance from Los Angeles International Airport to Santa Monica is 14 miles.
4 hours and 33 minutes, in good traffic.
The driving distance is about 36 miles.
it is about an hours drive. more or less depending on traffic and which route you take
It's approximately 286.53 miles. Tricia Lorraine.. aka Eldred and Rubina's daughter
The closest Holiday Inn to LAX airport is at 8620 Airport Blvd, about 2.4 miles from the airport. It is called Holiday Inn LAX and offers a free shuttle to and from the airport.